014: FritoLay Topeka, Kan. ON STRIKE! Local 218 Chief Steward Paul Klemme and Midwest Intโ€™l Rep. Jason Davis Discuss the Issues
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
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014: FritoLay Topeka, Kan. ON STRIKE! Local 218 Chief Steward Paul Klemme and Midwest Intโ€™l Rep. Jason Davis Discuss the Issues

Podcast, Strikes, Union News


BCTGM Midwest International Representative Jason Davis and Local 218 Chief Steward Paul Klemme talk about the labor issues which led them to strike against FritoLay in Topeka, Kansas on July 5th. Hear their stories and learn how you can support the workers on and off the picket line!