BCTGM | The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union | Hearthside’s Illegal Campaign Denies Workers a Fair Vote in London, Ky.
Hearthside’s Illegal Campaign Denies Workers a Fair Vote in London, Ky.
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
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Hearthside’s Illegal Campaign Denies Workers a Fair Vote in London, Ky.

Due to a relentless anti-union campaign waged by Hearthside Foods, 600 workers at the London, Kentucky bakery have lost their Union election.

The 304-222 loss coincided with eleven more unfair labor practice (ULP) charges filed on Sunday, May 5th, adding to the nine already documented during the campaign. “These newest charges are all related to the constant surveillance and intimidation the workers faced. The company issued really outrageous threats of losing their jobs—even deportation—and  several workers were terminated because of their Union activity,” reports East-Central Region International Representative Lisa Gregory, who led the campaign on the ground. “The company became extremely aggressive in the final weeks leading up to the election. The workers were absolutely denied their legal right to a free vote,” added Gregory.

Reflecting on the loss, BCTGM Organizing Director John Price said, “This is one of the most despicable anti-union campaigns I’ve seen in more than 30 years of organizing—we will be seeking a bargaining order based on the 20 ULP charges filed.”

Vowing to continue the fight, International President Anthony Shelton said, “This is not the end for these workers. This election was filed with Union cards signed by a majority of the workers in that plant. We are holding Hearthside’s private equity owners Charlesbank and Partners Group accountable for the anti-union actions of Hearthside’s managers. We believe the workers would have been successful if not for the aggressive interference and scare tactics deployed by Hearthside.”

In addition to the passionate BCTGM staff who worked tirelessly throughout this campaign, the workers received overwhelming support from BCTGM members across the country in the form of video, text and social media messages. “It is further proof of our sweeping commitment to dignity, justice and respect for all workers. This International Union will continue this fight for Hearthside workers,” concluded Shelton.