BCTGM Power!
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
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BCTGM POWER!ย  In partnership with UnionPlus.org

In Need of Hardship Assistance?


2020 was a difficult year and BCTGM Power is here to help. BCTGM families should know their union has their back through times of uncertainty with these unique Hardship Help benefits.


Use the links below to find the relief you need.


Money Help:


Strike Benefits

Layoff Assistance

Job Loss Grant

Debt Management

Credit Counseling

Bankruptcy Counseling

Legal Help


Home Help:


Mortgage Assistance

Save My Home Hotline

Disaster Relief Grants


Health Help:


Medical Bill Negotiating Service

Hospital Grant for Mortgage or Insurance Program Participants

Hospital Grant for Union Plus Credit Card Holders

Disability Benefits

BCTGM Power benefits and discounts help working families extend their paychecks.

From dental and vision discounts to savings on prescriptions, Union Plus has you covered.

Mortgages with unique member benefits, discounts on moving services and money-saving deals on your next union-made car or set of tires.

From life insurance to auto insurance, Union Plus offers union members and their families a wide range of insurance products to meet their needs.

Get competitive interest rates and other perks with the BCTGM Credit Card from Union Plus.

From discounted tickets on theme parks to sporting events, Union Plus offers a wide range of activities for the whole family.