News Blog
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
bctgm, bakers union, tobacco union, candy union, food workers, food workers union, grain millers, grain millers union, mondelez, nabisco, snack union,
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The withdrawal of Labor Secretary nominee Andrew Puzder is being hailed as a victory for America's workers. From coast to coast, workers made thousands of calls, attended mass rallies and demonstrations and met with their Senators to expose Puzder's record of driving down wages, harassment and worker intimidation. Puzderโ€™s anti-worker views are no secret. He railed against a meaningful increase in the minimum wage, opposed expanding overtime pay and advocated replacing working people with machines. Of...

Workers at theย Franklin Street Bakery in Minneapolis have struggled for years with poverty wages, unaffordable health insurance, lack of time off to care for family members, little opportunity for advancement and raises, favoritism, and unfairly applied work policies. When the bakers decided to exercise their legal right to form a union and improve their conditions, management launched an aggressive anti-union, anti-worker campaign against the workers. The owner of Franklin Street Bakery, ย Wayne Kostroski, ย is also the...

BCTGM Director of Organization John Price joined with officers and organizers from BCTGM Local Union 22 (Minneapolis) in a series of meetings with employees of Franklin Street Bakery who are in the midst of an organizing drive to join the BCTGM. The campaign, which began in 2016, has received tremendous support from the Minneapolis/St. Paul community including the Minnesota State AFL-CIO, local community groups, town council members, and even the NFL Players Association. The owners of Franklin...

byย Tefere Gebre, AFL-CIO Executive Vice President โ€œThe ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.โ€ โ€”โ€ŠDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Weโ€™re coming off of an election that reminded us we still have considerable work ahead in the struggle for freedom and civil rights, and on the eve of Martin Luther King Jr. remembrance day, Dr. Kingโ€™s quote is deeply relevant. I...

Yesterday, working people who have been employed by fast-food CEO Andrew Puzder shared their stories with Senate Democrats. They made it clear why Puzder is being called the #AntiLaborSecretary. Gathered by the AFL-CIO, here are some of the key tweets that captured the hearings. Meanwhile, read aboutย Puzder's Record Defined by Fighting Against Working People ...

Jobs With Justice and the Economic Policy Institute have launchedย, a new clearinghouse for articles, statements and shareable content about Trumpโ€™s anti-worker, anti-union and all-together terrible pick for Secretary of Labor, Andrew Puzder. Instead of standing up for working people, President-elect Trump selected the fast-food tycoon as his pick for Secretary of Labor. Puzder is a CEO with a record of breaking labor laws, yet Trump wants him in charge of protecting working Americans and enforcing...

During the 2015 election, Prime Minister Trudeau's Liberalsย campaigned to close a $750 million tax loophole used by CEOs and other "high-income Canadiansโ€ as a way to target wealthy tax dodgers and balance the budget. However, six months after taking office,ย the Liberals have broken their promise. Finance Minister Bill Morneau recently announced the Liberal government would not move forward on a key campaign promise to close the loophole claiming his reversal was in response toย feedback from small...

At the 99th session of the General Executive Board in Washington D.C. on September 17, 2016, ย Shad Clark, BCTGM International Representative, was elected to fill the position ofย BCTGMย Western Region International Vice President. Effective January 1, Clark replaces Randy Roark who retired December 31. Clark was appointed to serve as a Western Region International Representative by International David Durkee on June 1, 2015. Prior to his International staff appointment, Clark served as Business Agent of BCTGM Local...

Donald Trumpโ€™s nominee for secretary of laborโ€”fast food CEO Andrew Puzderโ€”would be a disaster for working Americans. Heโ€™s railed against a meaningful increase in the minimum wage, opposed expanding overtime pay and supported replacing working people with machines. Sign the AFL-CIO's petition immediately to tell your members of Congress to oppose him.ย  There were many signs that President-elect Donald Trump would be a disaster for working families, but his choice for secretary of laborโ€”fast food CEO Andrew...

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka advises all Americans to pay close attention to President-elect Donald Trump's Cabinet nominations. The vast majority of Americans, no matter their candidate of choice, voted to rewrite the economic rules that have for too long left working people weaker and poorer. When it comes to the economic security of our families and communities, one of the most important decisions every incoming president must make is choosing who will serve in his or...

There are a wide range of union-made holiday gift possibilities, from BCTGM-made candies and cakes, to clothes, games, sports equipment and more! Here are some holiday ideas made by proud members of UNITE HERE, Boilermakers (IBB), Machinists (IAM), United Steelworkers (USW), Teamsters (IBT),ย UAW, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW),ย theย Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union/UFCW (RWDSU/UFCW) and United Farm Workers (UFW): Apparel and Accessories Brooks Brothers (UNITE HERE) Joseph Abboud (UNITE HERE) Majestic Athletic (UNITE HERE) Timex watches (IAM) Naturalizer shoes (UFCW) Nunn...

Delight your friends and loved ones with holiday treats made by hard-working BCTGM members! Listed here is a sampling of the BCTGM-contracted companies that produce seasonal specialtiesโ€ฆ Allan Candy Company Allan Traditional Candy Canes (Peppermint, Cherry and Mini Peppermint), Allan Holiday Collection Candy Canes (French Vanilla & Gingerbread, Butterscotch & Cappucino, Mini Canes), Allan Fruit Buddies Candy Canes, Allan Chewy Candy Canes. BCTGM Local 350T (Granby, Quebec) ย  Dare Foods Limited A variety of gums, jellies, hard candy and gift tubs,...

Read this Daily Comment column in The New Yorker by writer William Finnegan: Donald Trump has chosen a fast-food executive, Andy Puzder, to be his Labor Secretary. Puzder, the C.E.O. of the parent company of the Carlโ€™s Jr. and Hardeeโ€™s burger chains, was a heavy donor to the Trump campaign. He is a prominent opponent of raising the minimum wage, of paid sick leave, of efforts to raise the salary threshold for overtime pay, and of...

For years, employees at the Franklin Street Bakery in Minneapolis have reported poverty wages, lack of time off for illness and family, unaffordable health coverage, little opportunity for advancement, and favoritism. Workers are now exercising their legal right to form a union because they believe speaking up together is the only way bakery management will treat them with respect and pay living wages. In response, management has began an anti-union campaign against workers filled with threats,...

Today, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka released the following statement on the results of the 2016 presidential election: Donald Trump has been elected president. America is a democratic nation, and the voters have spoken. The AFL-CIO accepts the outcome of this election and offers our congratulations to President-elect Trump. More than anything, this election is an indictment of politics as usual. For too long, the political elites have embraced economic policies that hold down wages, increase inequality, diminish opportunity and...