News Blog
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
bctgm, bakers union, tobacco union, candy union, food workers, food workers union, grain millers, grain millers union, mondelez, nabisco, snack union,
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After 20 years with the International Union, Harry Kaiser, Executive Assistant to the International President, retired on July 14. He served under three International Union Presidents. Kaiser was hired by International President Frank Hurt in 2003 after serving as a political and legislative consultant to the International Union. After Hurtโ€™s retirement in 2012, Kaiser served as Executive Assistant to International President David Durkee until his death in 2020. He continued to serve as Executive Assistant to...

BCTGM Local 390G members have been on strike against International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) in Memphis, Tenn. since June 4.Workers had been working under the terms of their expired contract for more than a year and the company refused to negotiate a fair contract that protects the workersโ€™ health insurance and overtime.Click here to tell IFF CEO and Executives to get back to the negotiating table! Striking members of Local 390G remain steadfast and strong...

BCTGM members have first-hand experience with the power of solidarity. The long days, nights and seasons outside your workplace fighting for a fair contract are made tolerable with the support of a larger community. Visits from other union workers who have stood shoulder to shoulder with striking BCTGM members helped bring strength and labor unity to all of our strikes. Four hundred UAW Local 12 members have been on strike against Clarios in Holland, Ohio since...

The National Labor Relations Board found merit in the BCTGM's charges that Aspire Bakeries committed numerous labor law violations during an organizing campaign at the companyโ€™s Ontario, California bakery. As a result, the Labor Board has ordered a new union election for workers at Aspire. Not long after workers at the bakery approached BCTGM Local 37 (Los Angeles) organizers about joining the BCTGM, the company hired a high-priced union busting firm to put a stop to...

Local 390G members at IFF have been working under the terms of an expired contract since last year. Negotiations halted after the company's last, best, final proposal included major health care and retirement takeaways and changes to overtime. Workers voted down the offer and hit the picket line โ€” forgoing pay to fight for a fair collective bargaining agreement that rewards them for their hard work. Here is what Local 390G members have to say: Iโ€™m...

Each day, we'll feature members of Local 390G on strike against IFF in Memphis, Tenn. who will explain why they made the courageous decision to go out on strike. Their demands, including overtime pay after eight and no dramatic changes to their health insurance, boil down to a call for respect that theyโ€™re not getting. Going out on strike places a tremendous burden on workers and their families but workers in Memphis are fighting for their future....

On June 4th, nearly 200 members of BCTGM Local 390G went on strike against International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) in Memphis, Tenn. The workers produce soy protein products which are used by companies including Nestle, Nestle Purina and Abbott Nutrition to manufacture baby formula, pet foods, soy-based nutritional powders and other food and beverage products. They are on strike because the company refuses to bargain in good faith for a fair contract. It is demanding to...

On June 4, after working under the terms of their expired contract for more than a year while the company refused to negotiate a fair contract protecting their health insurance and overtime, Local 390G members went on strike against International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) in Memphis, Tenn. The Local 390G members produce soy protein products which are used by companies including Nestle, Nestle Purina and Abbott Nutrition to manufacture baby formula, pet foods, soy-based nutritional...

Company is a Major Producer of Soy Protein Used in Pet Food, Infant Formula June 4, 2023 โ€” Nearly 200 members of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) Local 390G went on strike against International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) in Memphis, Tenn. The Local 390G BCTGM members produce soy protein products which are used by companies including Nestle, Nestle Purina and Abbott Nutrition to manufacture baby formula, pet foods, soy-based nutritional powders...

The BCTGM commends the work of the Biden Administration for standing up to Republicans in Congress and ONCE AGAIN protecting the pensions of Americaโ€™s workers. For months, Republicans have held Americaโ€™s economy hostage in a manufactured debt ceiling crisis, threatening working people with economic catastrophe. Under President Bidenโ€™s leadership and bipartisan approach, workers will avoid the loss of funding for pension security that was already approved and signed into law. โ€œThe funding necessary for long-term solvency of...

More than 50 years ago on April 28, Workers Memorial Day, the Occupational Safety and Health Act went into effect, promising every worker the right to a safe jobโ€”a fundamental right. The law was won because of the tireless efforts of the labor movement, which organized for safer working conditions and demanded action from the government to protect working people. Since then, unions and our allies have fought hard to make that promise a realityโ€”winning...

The AFL-CIOโ€™s 2023 edition of Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect uncovered some startling newsโ€”the rate of death on the job for Black workers grew to the highest number in nearly two decades. Latino workers have the greatest risk of dying on the job, and their fatality rate has grown by 13% over the past decade. These increases in worker fatalities are not even attributable to COVID-19. There were 343 workers who died on...

Julie Su is the most qualified candidate to be Secretary of Labor and best choice to advance President Joe Bidenโ€™s agenda for an inclusive economy. Su is a nationally recognized expert on workersโ€™ rights and civil rights who has dedicated her distinguished legal career to advancing justice on behalf of poor and disenfranchised communities.In her 17 years as a civil rights lawyer, Su brought landmark lawsuits in coalitions representing African American, Latino, Asian American, and...

Lindsay-Goldberg Owned Company Charged with Violating Federal Labor Law BCTGM Local 37 (Los Angeles), has filed federal charges against Aspire Bakeries, for multiple labor law violations committed during an organizing campaign at the companyโ€™s Ontario, California bakery.Aspire Bakeries, producer of Otis Spunkmeyer, La Brea Bakery and Oakrun Farm Bakery brands, is owned by the $17 billion private-equity firm Lindsay-Goldberg, which acquired Aspire in 2021 for $850 million.Soon after workers at the Ontario bakery approached BCTGM Local...

This year, for Black History Month, the AFL-CIO is highlighting union leaders who are currently active making Black history across the labor movement. This week the AFL-CIO highlighted the BCTGMโ€™s very own Veronica Hopkins. Veronica became a member of the BCTGM 23 years ago, when she went to work at the Post cereal plant in Naperville, Illinois. The plant, now owned by Mondelฤ“z International, was part of the nationwide Nabisco strike in 2021. As an...