News Blog
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
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AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka made the following statement on the announcement that the Trump administration will terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program: ย President Donald Trumpโ€™s move to terminate DACA and strip work authorization away from 800,000 productive members of our society is cruel and wrong. Ending DACA will increase the pool of vulnerable workers in our country and embolden employers to retaliate against working men and women who dare to organize on the job...

Today, President Donald Trump moved to take away work authorization from nearly 800,000 young immigrants and to terminate DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program put in place to protect immigrants who came to the United States as children. โ€œThe labor movement will stand with these brave young workers and fight for legislation so the contributions they make are celebrated, not assaulted,โ€ said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Immigrants Belong in Unions Americaโ€™s labor movement is a natural...

Today, even as we ride a wave of pro-worker momentum, our economy remains badly out of balance. The CEO-to- worker pay ratio in 2016 was an obscene 347 to 1. Meanwhile, many corporations are shipping jobs overseas and stashing profits offshore to avoid paying taxes. To add insult to injury, corporate-backed politicians continue to try to take away the freedoms unions have won for all of us. Yet inequality is not inevitable. Our economy is nothing more...

At the IUF 27th World Congress in Geneva, Switzerland, the BCTGM delegation was among 518 delegates representing 216 ย labor organizations from 90 countries around the world. BCTGM International President David Durkee spoke on behalf of Resolution #8, "Strengthening the IUF Divisions and Company-Wide Union Networks,โ€ specifically advocating the proposed "IUF Food Processing Division." In his remarks, Durkee reminded the Congress that in the past, every IUF affiliate union has been forced to go up against multimillion dollar...

Today,ย IUF President Hans-Olof Nilsson openedย the 27th IUF World Congress in Geneva, Switzerland. BCTGM International delegates to the Congress include BCTGM International President David Durkee, International Secretary-Treasurer Steve Bertelli, Assistant to the International President Harry Kaiser and Local 53 President and BCTGM International General Executive Board member Joyce Alston. The week began with IUF Women, Young Workers and LGBTI Conferences. It was the first time the IUF has held a Young Workers Conference before the opening of...

by Celeste Drake, AFL-CIO Trade and Globalization Policy Specialist By now, youโ€™ve probably heard of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). You might have heard that someย businesspeopleย think itโ€™s a great deal, whileย average working familiesโ€”and those whoย stand with usโ€”think it only works if youโ€™re already at the top. If youโ€™ve been reading our blog regularly, then you know NAFTA is beingย renegotiated. That means working people like us have an opportunity toย fix it. And we laid out the...

Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on his and Thea Leeโ€™s resignation from President Trumpโ€™s council on manufacturing: We cannot sit on a council for a President who tolerates bigotry and domestic terrorism. President Trumpโ€™s remarks today repudiate his forced remarks yesterday about the KKK and neo-Nazis. We must resign on behalf of Americaโ€™s working people, who reject all notions of legitimacy of these bigoted groups. Itโ€™s clear that President Trumpโ€™s Manufacturing Council was never an effective...

BCTGM International President David Durkee released the following statement in response to the Senate Democratsโ€™ unveiling of the โ€œBetter Deal on Trade and Jobsโ€ economic plan. โ€œThe BCTGM commends the leadership of Senator Schumer and the Senate Democrats for crafting the โ€œBetter Dealโ€ economic blueprint for Americaโ€™s workers with trade and jobs at its core. The BCTGM has long believed that Congress needs to take bold and comprehensive action to revitalize Americaโ€™s middle class. Unfair trade agreements...

In the early hours of this morning, Senate Republicans held a dramatic vote on their last ditch effort to to undo the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and gut Medicaid.ย The so-called โ€œSkinny Repealโ€ would have repealed the ACAโ€™s individual mandate and suspended the employer mandate for nine years, disrupting insurance markets and eliminating access to health care for 16 million Americans. Republican Senators Susan Collins (ME), Lisa Murkowski (AK) and John McCain (AZ) joined all 48 Democrats...

Twenty years ago, Nikeโ€™s name was synonymous with sweatshop abuses. Reports abounded ofย Indonesian workers earning 14 cents an hour โ€“ less than minimum wage โ€“ and Vietnameseย workers who were hit with shoe parts, sexually assaulted, and forced to run outside until theyย collapsed. By 1998, iconic Nike CEO Phil Knight had acknowledged that, โ€œtheย Nike product has become synonymous with slave wages, forced overtime, and arbitrary abuse.โ€ย While Nike has trumpeted its corporate socialย responsibility operation for the past fifteen...

BCTGM International staff joined hundreds of American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and AFSCME members and Democratic members of Congress outside the U.S. Capitol to rally in opposition to Republicansโ€™ Trumpcare bill and budget proposal which would strip funding from students, teachers, nurses and health workers. The rally was organized by the AFT and led by AFT President Randiย Weingarten.ย  Congressional speakers denounced the proposed budget cuts, which would fall heavily on schools and other vital social services....

Approximatelyย 87 percent of workersย receive no paid family leave, a problem that BCTGM and other advocates for working families have been pushing elected officials to address for years. The issue finally emerged as a policy focus in last yearโ€™s presidential elections. In a July 10ย letter to the president, more than 100 congressional Democrats urged President Donald Trump to supportย legislationย providing working families with 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave โ€œthat is sustainable, affordable, and inclusive.โ€ They...

Freedom means more than making a living. It means the ability to financially support your family and have time to be there for them. Check out AFSCME's new video with President Lee Saunders explaining how corporate interest groups are working tirelessly to chip away at the freedoms that unions have won for everyone. ...

The BCTGM is proud to present the full six-minute cut of our short form documentary, โ€œMade in America,โ€ detailing the plight of our members at the iconic Nabisco/Mondelฤ“z bakery in Chicago. This public television segment, produced by Front Page, will air to over 50 million TV homes across the country for one full year and we want our members, their families and all of our supporters to be the first to see it! Click here to...

For BCTGM members who have dedicated their working lives to hard and physically demanding jobs, a defined benefit pension plan is key to the foundation for a financially secure and dignified retirement. This is why the BCTGM places the highest priority on preserving and strengthening our membersโ€™ pensions. Whether it is the highly-respected multi-employer B&C Pension Fund, covering nearly 110,000 active and retired members and which has paid out more than $12.5 billion in benefits since...