News Blog
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
bctgm, bakers union, tobacco union, candy union, food workers, food workers union, grain millers, grain millers union, mondelez, nabisco, snack union,
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Nabisco and parent corporation Mondelฤ“z continue to put profits before people as hundreds of good, middle-class jobs are outsourced and working families across borders are exploited for reportedly as little as $1 per hour with little to no benefits. On November 16, outside more than 100 big box stores across the United States, union members and activists will be handing out literature and educating consumers on how to BOYCOTT Nabisco snacks like Oreo, Ritz Crackers, and...

As our nation recognized Veterans Day, the BCTGM, Union Veterans Council, and the Chicago Federation of Labor joined laid-off veteran workers in Chicago calling on Mondelฤ“z/Nabisco to repatriate veteransโ€™ jobs. The Nabisco 600 and supporters, including AFL-CIO Executive Vice Presidentย Tefere Gebre, marched to Mondelฤ“z headquarters to deliver a letter to the new Mondelez CEO, Dirk Van de Put, calling on the company to invest in the future of the U.S.-based Nabisco bakeries and American workers....

On Veterans Day, we wanted to take a moment to recognize the service and sacrifice of all those who put on our countryโ€™s uniform. As a labor movement, we are committed to creating an economy that honors the bravery of our heroes by providing them good jobs when they return home. If we truly are going to look out for our veterans, we need to make sure they have access to good-paying jobs that provide security...

The Republican tax bill gives massive tax breaks to big corporations to outsource jobs. Under the House GOP bill, a business that creates jobs in the United States would pay a 20% tax on profits, but a big corporation that outsources those same jobs wouldnโ€™t pay a penny in U.S. taxes on any profits it earns from outsourcing. President Donald Trump and House Republicans should drop this bad tax bill and focus on policies that create...

Today on Capitol Hill, BCTGM Local 300 (Chicago) member and former Nabisco/Mondelez worker Michael Smith explained why the Republican tax plan will hurt American workers: My name is Michael J. Smith. I am here to tell you why the tax bill is a JOB KILLER. Up until March of 2016, I was employed at the Nabisco bakery in Chicago. I had worked there nearly five years and am unemployed today because Nabisco/Mondelฤ“z sent my job and the jobs...

At the AFL-CIO 2017 Convention last week, delegates unanimouslyย re-elected federation officersโ€”Presidentย Richardย Trumka, Secretary-Treasurerย Liz Shulerย and Executive Vice Presidentย Tefere Gebreโ€”and the Executive Councilโ€”made up of 55 vice presidents, including BCTGM International President David Durkee. In his acceptance speech, AFL-CIO Executive Vice Presidentย Tefere Gebreย said: Sisters and brothers, these are tough times. For our country. For our movement. For our communities. Between black and white. Between immigrant and native-born. But even in the face of these challenges, I have hope. Hope of a brighter day....

St. Louis, Mo. โ€” Corrina Christensen, Director of Communications & Public Relations, and Michelle Ellis, Director of New Media & Graphic Arts, are representing the BCTGM International Union this week at the 2017 International Labor Communications Association (ILCA) Convention. The Convention began with a plenary panel, "Confronting Right-to-Work and Building a Workers' Movement" that was moderated by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Panel participants included MaryBe McMillan, President of the North Carolina AFL-CIO, Nora Loreto, Canadian Association...

35,000 pounds of relief supplies also delivered on flight;ย evacuees to fill seats on return flight to Newark, New Jersey Today, theย AFL-CIO, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA), the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) and United Airlines teamed up to fly more than 300 first responders and skilled volunteersโ€”including nurses, doctors, electricians, engineers, carpenters and truck driversโ€”to Puerto Rico to help with relief and rebuilding efforts. [caption id="attachment_6510" align="alignright"...

Thanks to the tenacity of a small group of Oregon bakers fighting to become members of BCTGM Local 114 (Portland, Ore.), nearly 200,000 Oregon manufacturing workers will benefit from strengthened overtime laws. In January, Oregonโ€™s Bureau of Labor and Industries changed how it interprets overtime laws as a result of a lawsuit filed on behalf of Portland Specialty Bakery (PSB) workers. The baking company was charged with violating an Oregon state law that requires overtime pay...

The U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote this week on a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and end Medicaid as we know it. This mean-spirited bill, sponsored by Republican Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, would radically change our health care system, leading to unaffordable care for millions of Americans. This bill would drastically cut coverage for seniors, children, veterans, and people with disabilities. Medicaid, the largest...

Finally, after nearly a quarter of a century, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)ย is beingย renegotiated. And while NAFTA negotiations haveย not progressed very far, and it is too early to say whether the effort will bring a New Economic Deal to working people or simplyย more crony capitalism, there was someย fantastic, surprising, excellentย news recently. The Canadian negotiating team didย something big: They told the U.S. negotiators that U.S. laws that interfere with peopleโ€™s freedom to negotiate on the job...

According to the AFL-CIO, since January, government agencies under the Donald Trump administration have taken steps to hide information from the publicโ€”information that was previously posted and information that the public has a right to know. But a recent move is especially personal. ย Early this month, the agency responsible for enforcing workplace safety and healthโ€”the Occupational Safety and Health Administrationโ€”removed the names of fallen workers fromย its home pageย and has stopped posting information about workplace deathsย on itsย data...

The United Autoworkers has launched BuildBuyUSA campaign. BuildBuyUSA ( promotes the value and importance of a strong manufacturing base to our economic future and the key role consumers can play. By spending our dollars on items made domestically, consumers can encourage a resurgence of well-paying manufacturing jobs in the United States. โ€œConsumers have the power to make a difference,โ€ said UAW International President Dennis Williams.ย โ€œOur BuildBuyUSA campaign will give people the tools they need to make...

Calling the boycott of Nabisco/Mondelฤ“z products made in Mexico, โ€œvital to saving good, middle-class American jobs,โ€ BCTGM International President David Durkee urged U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and U.S. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) to call on Nabisco/Mondelฤ“z to support American workers and bring jobs back to the U.S. Durkee, together with BCTGM International Secretary-Treasurer Steve Bertelli and Assistant to the President Harry Kaiser, recently met with the two Congressional leaders in Pelosiโ€™s Capitol Hill...

In an area of Pennsylvania where workers at several manufacturing plants belong to the BCTGM, it wasnโ€™t a difficult decision for workers at the Cargill Cocoa facility in Hazelton about who to contact when they wanted to form a union. A worker at the Cargill plant first reached out to BCTGM International Director of Organization John Price in January through the unionโ€™s online organizing form. Afraid of management retaliation, the worker, Louis Morales, initially used a...