News Blog
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
bctgm, bakers union, tobacco union, candy union, food workers, food workers union, grain millers, grain millers union, mondelez, nabisco, snack union,
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It is vital that Congress address the nationโ€™s growing pension funding crisis. The BCTGM believes that a legislative solution which provides pension plans with the funding necessary for long-term solvency without forcing trustees to reduce participantsโ€™ hard-earned pension benefits would be an important first step. After careful and comprehensive analysis, the BCTGM has determined that theย Butch Lewis Act of 2017 (S.2147)ย is the most effective legislative proposal to address the pension crisis. Email your U.S. Senators urging them...

A Federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by Just Born against BCTGM Local 6 (Philadelphia) workers who went on strike in 2016. In a 15-page opinion, U.S. District Judge Jeffrey L. Schmehl ruled on December 29 that the company failed to prove that the Local 6 members violated a no-strike clause in the collective bargaining agreement. About 400 Local 6 members went on strike on September 7, 2016.ย Workers returned to work in late October 2016, although...

As BCTGM members and their families prepare to celebrate the holidays and welcome a New Year, we can look back at 2017 as a source of pride and optimism for our Union. While the BCTGM and our members certainly continue to confront serious and difficult challenges, we head into 2018 fully prepared to take whatever action is necessary to improve the lives of our members and bring the benefits of BCTGM membership to more workers...

In less than two months, Superbowl 52 will be held in Minnesota. As part of the festivities, a charity called โ€œTaste of the NFLโ€ will hold a party with the rich and famous to raise money for food shelves to help โ€œKick Hunger.โ€ Raising money for food shelves is a great cause, but โ€œTaste of the NFLโ€ Executive Director Wayne Kostroskiย  reportedly pays workers at his Franklin Street Bakery so little that they must use these...

Plan to buy gifts to give this holiday season? If you buy union, you’re helping keep good jobs in America and supporting businesses that pay working families a living wage with benefits. Union-made gifts and services can be hard to find. Here are some ideas to consider: Clothing American Rootswear is 100% American Made, Union Made! The company mission: “To create good jobs in the United States, deliver a quality product, have a commitment to our community, our...

Days after Congressman John Lewis stood with Nabisco workers and faith leaders in Washington to release the IWJ report on Mondelez/Nabisco outsourcing, Representatives Donald McEachin (D-Va.) and John Lewis (D-Ga.) have sent a joint letter to U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Lighthizer urging a dramatic NAFTA rewrite. McEachin and Lewis are asking for strong, enforceable labor standards that raise wages in Mexico, reduce incentives for outsourcing to companies such as Mondelez/Nabisco, encourage domestic investment and support American...

During a press conference held at AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington D.C., Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ) released a detailed report, โ€œBreaking Faith: Outsourcing and the Damage Done to our Communitiesโ€ย  that reveals the impact of Mondรฉlez-Nabiscoโ€™s outsourcing and exploitation of workers in both the U.S. and Mexico. Over the last several months, Interfaith Worker Justice led a coalition of faith and labor representatives to cities where BCTGM members produce Nabisco products at Mondรฉlez-Nabisco bakeries.ย  In each locationโ€”...

GOP politicians are fighting hard to pass a deficit-exploding tax bill that would kill jobs, take away health insurance, raise taxes on working families and much worse, all for a massive giveaway to powerful corporations and the rich. Our leaders should fight for working families and our communities instead. President Donald Trump and the GOP are hustling for a tax plan that would change American life in terrible ways by cutting services, killing American manufacturing, weakening...

The 40th Constitutional Convention of the BCTGM International Union will be held at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, August 8-14, 2018. Delegates to the Convention, per Article III, Section 5 of the Constitution, must have been a continuously good-standing, dues-paying member of the International Union and Local Union the delegate represents for at least two (2) continuous years immediately preceding the Convention prior to being elected as a delegate. According to the official Convention...

In Edina, Minn. today, BCTGM Local 22 members,ย Minneapolis Regional Labor Federationย and union supporters demonstrated outside of Interlachen Country Club where Franklin Street Bakery part-owner Wayne Kostroski was speaking on/raising money for hisย Taste of the NFLย charity. The activists demonstrated in solidarity with the workers who have been trying to organize a union at Franklin Street Bakery for more than 18 months. Listen to Local 22 President Bruce Peglow explain the other side of bakery owner Wayne Kostroski's...

The House GOP have released a bad and unpopular plan to slash taxes for the rich by cutting services and tax breaks for working families. ย Americaโ€™s labor movement will fight every attempt by Donald Trump to make working people pay for tax giveaways to millionaires and billionaires. ย Here are eight waysย the Republican tax bill would hurt working people: The GOP tax bill is a job killer. ย It would give huge tax cuts to big corporations...

Representatives from the Interfaith Workers Justice (IWJ), along with workersโ€™ rights activists from FLOC, Texas AFL-CIO and others, took their six-cityย investigation intoย Mondelฤ“z Internationalย to Monterrey, Mexico on Monday to speak with workers there and deliver a powerful message on behalf of the BCTGM Nabisco 600. A press conference from the Telephone Workers Union hall in Monterrey launched the day of action, with Anthony Jackson, Local 300 member and former Nabisco worker, conveying a statement on behalf of...

As noted prominently by the United Nations, violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today. Gender inequality persists worldwide. Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls will require more vigorous efforts, including legal frameworks, to counter deeply rooted gender-based discrimination that often results from patriarchal attitudes and related social norms, as stated by the UN Secretary-General, in his latestย report on...

Above:ย At the IUF World Congress in August, Intl. Pres. David Durkee (center) and Asst. to the Intl. Pres. Harry Kaiser (right) greet the officers and delegates from the Bakers, Food and Allied Workersโ€™ Union (BFAWU) of the U.K.When Oreo maker Mondelฤ“z International began moving production from BCTGM-represented American and Canadian plants to a new $450 million plant in Mexico, it was taking advantage of a rigged economic system that rewards multi-national corporations for exploiting workers...

“As long as Nabisco/Mondelez continues to outsource good, middle-class jobs and exploit working families across the globe – the BCTGM will be relentless in our efforts to expose the company’s destructive business model and expand the boycott of Nabisco products made in Mexico. Today was a strong testament to the solidarity and resolve of the BCTGM,” reflected BCTGM International President David Durkee on the November 16 Big Box Store National Day of Action. From Oregon, California...