News Blog
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
bctgm, bakers union, tobacco union, candy union, food workers, food workers union, grain millers, grain millers union, mondelez, nabisco, snack union,
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A coalition of 11 Disneyland unions is calling on the Anaheim, Calif. resort to raise its base wage to $20 an hour after a survey of 5,000 workers found many were hard-pressed to pay for food and medical expenses and 11 percent said they experienced homelessness in the past two years. According to a 125-page report “Working for the Mouse,” , federal census and economic data show the average hourly wage for Disneyland resort workers dropped to...

An impending U.S. Supreme Court decision threatens the right of public employees to union representation and collective bargaining, and it is a decision that will โ€œhit every public-sector worker across this country,โ€ says Corey Upchurch, a school bus driver for special needs children in Washington D.C. โ€œJust imagine if money is taken off your table, or youโ€™re not able to send your child to college or you not able to retire because you donโ€™t have a...

BCTGM Local 6 members were among thousands of workers who rallied in Philadelphia's Thomas Paine Plaza on February 24 ahead of a Supreme Court voteย that could profoundly affect the ability of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions.ย The Philadelphia rally, which included AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, was a part of the national "Workers Day of Action" movement, which included events in 28 cities. Today, February 26th, the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral...

The BCTGMโ€™s campaign against the outsourcing of North American Nabisco jobs has generated widespread support. From U.S. Congressional leaders, university students, union trade and justice activists to American veterans and consumers, the message carried by Nabisco workers across the nation has resonated loud and clear: ย stop the global exploitation of workers that is devastating families and communities. The campaign has grown particularly strong within the faith community, as leaders and activists have rallied behind Nabisco workers,...

  In late January,ย the Bureau of Labor Statistics released data on changes in union membership from 2016 to 2017. It was good news for workers, as the total number of union members grew by 262,000 in 2017. Three-fourths of these gains (198,000) were among workers aged 34 and under, who account for less than 40 percent of total employment. According to a new study by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), historically, younger workers have been less likely...

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a failure for working people across North America. It kills jobs, lowers ages and diminishes our democracy. For nearly 25 years, NAFTA has put the interests of powerful corporate CEOs ahead of environmental standards, healthy communities and regular working families across the continent. By contrast, a good trade deal would level the playing field for all workers with key provisions to: Eliminate corporate privileges like the Investor-State Dispute Settlement,...

Senator Secured Guaranteed Vote on Senate Floor U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) has announced the creation of a bipartisan, House and Senate Joint Select Committee tasked with solving the pension crisis threatening more 1.5 million workers and retirees nationwide. The solution the Committee produces will be guaranteed an expedited vote on the Senate floor. Brown secured the creation of the Committee as part of the overall budget compromise announced on Wednesday, February 7. At Brownโ€™s urging, the...

Yesterday afternoon, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the University of Chicago as part of a 4-day educational tour discussing the replacement of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). When he arrived, Trudeau was greeted outside by BCTGM Nabisco 600 workers and union activists who called on the Canadian Prime Minister to demand labor protections in any renegotiation of the flawed trade agreement. Demonstrators rallied on behalf of American jobs and urged Trudeau to fight for...

On Saturday, February 3, BCTGM Local 22 joined forces with the Minnesota AFL-CIO and the greater Twin Cities labor community in support of Franklin Street Bakery workers at A Taste of Justice. The event represented the bakery workersโ€™ response to the Taste of the NFL party hosted on the same day by their part-owner, Wayne Kostroski. BCTGM Local 22 President Bruce Peglow reported tremendous support from the labor/progressive community in the Twin City area, with an...

In January, more than 3,000 BCTGM members and retirees sent email messages to members of the U.S. Senate urging their support for theย Butch Lewis Act of 2017 (S.2147). The Butch Lewis Act of 2017ย would put pension plans back on solid footing, ensure they can meet their obligations to current retirees and workers for decades to come without cutting the benefits retirees earned, and safeguard them for the future. Email your Senators TODAY and add your voice: Please...

"NAFTA talks need to take a look at Mexico keeping wages down to compete with the U.S. and Canada." Checkย out this BBC World News report with AFL-CIOโ€™s trade and globalization policy specialist Celeste Drake as she discusses the latest as the sixth round of NAFTA talks wrap up in Montreal.   [video width="720" height="576" mp4=""][/video]  ...

The Mexican government has filed legislation that would substantially weaken rights for working people. In response, the AFL-CIOย filedย a complaintย alleging that Mexico is violating the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation, the NAFTA labor side deal. Mexicoโ€™s bill would lock in low wages and poor working conditions. It also would frustrate legitimate unions' efforts to negotiate together on behalf of Mexican workers, who work the longest hours for the lowest pay among all countriesย that are members of...

Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its annual report on union membership, which found that the number of union members rose by 260,000 in 2017. This reflects critical organizing victories across a range of industries, which have reaped higher wages, better benefits, and a more secure future for working people around the country. โ€œIn the face of a challenging year, the power of working people is on the rise,โ€ said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. โ€œTogether,...

The Executive Director of the NFL Players Association, DeMaurice Smith, has sent a letter to the CEO of the Super Bowl Host Committee, condemning the actions of "Taste of the NFL"ย  director and Franklin Street Bakery owner Wayne Kostroski. "For more than a year, Franklin Street Bakery workers have been exploring whether to exercise their freedom to form a union so they can have a voice in the workplace and negotiate for a better life for...

Under the Trump administration, the number of federal workplace safety inspectors has sharply declined. Since President Donald Trump took office, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) lost 40 inspectors through attrition and as of October 2, has not hired new inspectors to fill the vacancies, according to data obtained by NBC News. According the the findings of NBC, the departing inspectors made up 4 percent of the OSHA's total federal inspection force, which fell below 1,000...