News Blog
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
bctgm, bakers union, tobacco union, candy union, food workers, food workers union, grain millers, grain millers union, mondelez, nabisco, snack union,
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President Trump ran for office as a champion of American workers and a friend of labor unions, but his administration has systematically favored employers at the expense of workers. In recent months, the administration has moved to tighten qualifications for who must be paid the minimum wage and who must be paid overtime. It is asking the Supreme Court to rule that companies can fire workers on the basis of sexual orientation. The number of workplace...

Following a morning protest outside the Mondelฤ“z International Annual Meeting last Wednesday, BCTGM and Nabisco 600 supporters headed to the Hatchery Chicago โ€“ a food business incubator in East Garfield Park โ€“ to demonstrate against their new partnership with the company. The following is an excerpt from Block Club Chicago โ€“ read the full article here. EAST GARFIELD PARK โ€” Employees and retired workers of the Nabisco bakery staged a protest at the Hatchery Chicago in response...

For a forth year in a row,ย BCTGM union members from around the country descended on Lincolnshire, Ill. for the 2019 Nabisco/Mondelฤ“z shareholder meeting. Despite the rejection by last year's shareholders for the proposed CEO pay package, Dirk Van De Put's pay grew to be 489 times larger than the median employee pay - which decreased 28% in the same time period. Today, Nabisco workers in Mexico earn as little as 97 cents per hour, while their CEO...

For too long, employers have been able to violate the National Labor Relations Act without facing serious consequences, routinely denying working people the basic right to join with co-workers to make our jobs better. Click here to take action and shore up the right to join a union. The collective strength of workers to negotiate for improved pay and benefits has eroded, and income inequality has reached levels that predate the Great Depression. We need your help! There...

Workday Minnesota has published an excellent interview with Sioux Falls AFL-CIO Central Labor Council President Kooper Caraway, who on January 3, 2018 became the youngest CLC President in the U.S. at age 27. What is it like organizing in a right to work state? How is he helping to change the labor movement in South Dakota? Check out this Workday Minnesota blog postย about this impressive labor leader. ...

For the 27th year in a row, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) will be conducting its "Stamp Out Hunger" Food Drive. Every year on the second Saturday in May, postal carriers, in addition to their regular workload, collect food from people in more than 10,000 cities across the country. Each year, it is the largest one-day food drive in the world. Doing your part in the food drive is super easy. Before regular mail...

On April 28, the unions of the AFL-CIO observe Workers Memorial Day to remember those who have suffered and died on the job and to renew the fight for safe jobs. This year we will come together to call for action on hazards that cause unnecessary injury, illness and death. We will stand united against the ongoing attacks on workers' rights and protections and demand that elected officials put workers' well-being above corporate interests. The Occupational Safety...

Nearly 50 years ago, in 1970, Congress enacted the OSH Act, promising workers in this country the right to a safe job. More than 594,000 workers now can say their lives have been saved since the passage of the OSH Act. Since that time, workplace safety and health conditions have improved. But too many workers remain at serious risk of injury, illness or death as chemical plant explosions, major fires, construction collapses and other preventable...

Like all hard-working union members, BCTGM Local 6 (Philadelphia) members at the Lehigh Valley, Pa. value their multiemployer pension, which has been negotiated into their collective bargaining agreements. BCTGM Local 6 members at the BIMBO Bakeries USA plant in Lehigh Valley, Pa. took time during a recent (union) break to send emails to their U. S. Representatives to urge support for H.R. 397, the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act.ย  The legislation calls for long-term, low-interest loans...

Mondelez-Nabisco labor practices in Salinas Victoria, Mexico were the subject of discussion when BCTGM International President David Durkee met with Mexicoโ€™s chief trade negotiator, Dr. Jesus Seade, and Mexican labor leader and Senator Napoleon Gomez Urrutia recently. Mexicoโ€™s new government under President Lopez Obrador is looking toward labor reforms โ€“ and the BCTGM hopes that Mondelez-Nabisco could become a focus in targeting corporate practices of worker exploitation, poverty wages, and union protection contracts in the country. In...

This year we will come together to call for action on hazards that cause unnecessary injury, illness and death.ย We will stand united against the ongoing attacks on workers' rights and protections and demand that elected officials put workers' well-being above corporate interests. The Occupational Safety and Health Act and Mine Safety and Health Act promise workers the right to a safe job. Unions and our allies have fought hard to make that promise a realityโ€”winning protections...

BCTGM International President David Durkee was among labor leaders from across the country who gathered in New Orleans last week as part of the AFL-CIOโ€™s Executive Council meeting to map out the path ahead for labor. From trade and public education to equal pay and paid leave to back pay for federal contract workers and bargaining power for all, the Executive Council discussed issues that will define working peopleโ€™s fight for economic justice in 2019...

The BCTGM was among a delegation representing the IUF to deliver letters of protest to the Myanamar Embassy in Washington D.C. demanding the release of six hotel workers jailed for union activity in Myanamar. On March 1, the chairman and five other leaders and members of the union of workers at the Hotel Tharabar Gate in Myanamar's Bagan Archeological Zone were convicted of attempting to hold a peaceful protest march after police brutally destroyed the union's...

A four-year fight to expand overtime pay to millions of workers may soon be over and about 1.2 million workers will win while 2.8 million will lose. The Department of Labor is scaling back an Obama-era rule that would have doubled the minimum salary for a worker to qualify for overtime pay, according to a proposed rule the agency sent to the Office of the Federal Register for public review. With few exceptions, only workers who earn...

James Morgan, BCTGM Local 1 (Chicago) member and former Hostess Brands mixer and oven operator, was invited to testify before the House Committee on Education and Labor Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions on March 7.ย  Specifically,ย  the subject of the hearing that Morgan was asked to address was, "The Cost of Inaction: Why Congress Must Address the Multiemployer Pension Crisis." BCTGM International President David Durkee, Assistant to the International President Harry Kaiser and B&C...