We are the UNION VOTE
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
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We are the UNION VOTE

By Anthony Shelton, BCTGM International President

Every four years, American citizens have the opportunity to go to the polls to vote for the President of the United States. The ability to vote in a free and fair election is the foundation of a democratic society, and it is up to each and every one of us to participate in this important process.

Sadly, close to half of eligible voters in the U.S. do not vote. One group that does come out to the polls in overwhelming numbers is Union members, including BCTGM members.

Union members are eager to participate in electoral politics because we know how much is at stake for workers, our families and the communities we live in. Most BCTGM members spend anywhere from 8-12 hours a day at work, six or seven days a week. More time is spent at workโ€”and traveling to and fromโ€”than is spent at home with family. When government policies impact our workplaces, our employers or the laws protecting us, it has a tremendous impact on our lives.

Union members really understand that elections have consequences. If we elect anti-union, anti-worker politicians into power, it will hurt our work life.

Workers need leaders who will stand with working people in the fight for better wages, benefits and retirement security. That means supporting candidates who want fair tax policy, affordable prescription drugs and healthcare, and a strong Made-in-America policy.

If we have to take our fight to the streets, we need leaders to fight side by side with Union members against greedy corporations. We need our leaders to walk the line if we strike. If you arenโ€™t there for us, we wonโ€™t be there for you.

Workers deserve lawmakers that will pass laws to strengthen workplace standards, especially in occupational health and safety. No worker should be hurt on the job!

If a politician is not willing to support the needs of working people, they do not deserve our vote.

What we certainly donโ€™t need are policies that take away from working people. We donโ€™t want a national Right-to-Work law. We donโ€™t want tax breaks for the rich. We donโ€™t want health and safety standards scrapped because employers canโ€™t be bothered to follow them.

You will hear reporters on TV say this is the most important election of our lifetime. The reality is, every election is important for working people and Union members. There is a stark difference between politicians who do right by Union members and those who actively try to destroy the labor movement.

This election season, I urge you to put your BCTGM cap on when you head to the polls. Letโ€™s elect candidates who will have our back in a fight and protect a workerโ€™s right to join a union.


CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION and plan your VOTE at betterinaunion.org.