Concord Confections members ratify historic 5-year Contract
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
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Concord Confections members ratify historic 5-year Contract

Members of BCTGM Local 264 (Toronto) employed at two Concord Confections locations in Vaughan, Ont. have voted to overwhelmingly accept an historic 5-year contract.

Negotiations were led by Canadian Region International Vice President Ron Piercey and included Negotiating Committee members International Representative Karl Walker, Local 264 Business Agent Bill Hegedus and Members Muniruddin Ahmed, Quan Hoc Duong, Bing Zhong Lin, Earl Lucier, Alex Melkonian, Navaneethan Navaratnam, Eslyn Smith and Robert Ziniuk.

For the first time ever, the committee was able to secure a pension plan for the 220 members who make Dubble Bubble and other iconic candy and gum varieties. โ€œWhen I first organized this plant in 1998, I promised them I would get them a pension,โ€ reflects Piercey. The Local 264 committee was also able to negotiate significant raises, increases to select health benefits such as vision and prescription maximums, and improvements to their Extended Care deductibles. They also secured wage protection for Chief Stewards in the event of a layoff.

Shown on this page, Local 264 members attended the ratification meeting where they had a chance to review the Collective Agreement (C.A.) and ask the Committee questions. โ€œWe were proud to have over 95% of our members at Concord Confections vote to accept the C.A.,โ€ concludes Piercey.