29 Apr Retirees Reflect on Pension Security

“If the pension legislation had not passed, it would have affected all of us Local 114 Bakers Union retirees, and I do not deserve to live on less. It would be a disgrace after all the years I worked hard for my pension. I gave up wages so I would have my pension.”
— Local 114 retiree Daniel Berg worked at the Safeway Clackamas bread plant for 36 years before retiring in 2006.
“I’ve appreciated collecting my monthly pension from the B&C Pension Fund as it has helped me survive financially for over 30 years. I’m very grateful to my union, BCTGM Local 24, and glad to hear the B&C Pension Fund will be there for future retirees for many more years to come.”
— Martin Hernandez, a 96-year-old retired member of Local 24 (San Francisco), has been a union member for more than 60 years.
“This just shows that finally our government is all for helping pension funds. I have worked here for 37 years, and it’s comforting to know that I will have a pension to look forward to and I will greatly enjoy my retired life.”
— Local 22 (Twin Cities, Minn.) member Mark Andre, shop chairman at Bimbo Bakeries in La Crosse, Wisconsin will retire in June after more than 37 years as a member of the BCTGM.
“If it weren’t for my union pension, I’d still be working full time. Thank God for my union pension fund.”
— Sylvia Molinar (pictured left w/L. 351 Pres. Andrew Gutierrez), a Local 351 retiree, was the first union woman to retire from the Bimbo Bakeries USA bakery in Albuquerque, N.M. after 20 years.

“I rely on my pension to live. The pension must survive.”
— Marilyn Jerome, a Local 114 (Portland, Ore.) pensioner, retired in 2000 from Fred Meyer Bakery (now Kroger Clackamas Bakery) after 27 years of service.