08 Apr TODAY: National PRO Act ACTION DAY!
Today is a national day of action for the PRO Act and we asking every BCTGM member to help flood the Senate phone lines with support for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.
We’re almost there. If we can get this passed, working people’s rights will be protected for generations to come. The PRO Act has already passed the U.S. House with bipartisan support.
The PRO Act would:
- Empower workers to exercise the freedom to organize and bargain.
- Repeal “right to work” laws.
- Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.
- End employers’ practice of punishing striking workers by hiring permanent replacements. Speaking up for labor rights is within every worker’s rights—and workers shouldn’t lose our jobs for it.
- Hold corporations accountable by strengthening the National Labor Relations Board and allowing it to penalize employers who retaliate against working people in support of the union or collective bargaining.
- Create pathways for workers to form unions, without fear.
This labor movement wide day of action comes on the heels of the PRO Act’s endorsement by the White House. Many are calling the PRO Act the most significant piece of pro-union legislation since the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935. In a recent video, President Biden called the vote to join a union: “a vitally important choice – one that should be made without intimidation or threats by employers. Every worker should have a free and fair choice to join a union.”