Tell Your Senators: Save Our Pensions, Pass the American Rescue Plan!
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
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Tell Your Senators: Save Our Pensions, Pass the American Rescue Plan!

On February 26, the House of Representatives passed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief proposal that includes multiemployer pension relief and major components of the AFL-CIOโ€™s Americaโ€™s Five Economic Essentials.

The package, according to The New York Times, โ€œincludes more than $400 billion to combat the pandemic directly, including money to accelerate vaccine deployment and to safely reopen most schools within 100 days. An additional $350 billion would help state and local governments bridge budget shortfalls, while the plan would also include $1,400 direct payments to individuals, more generous unemployment benefits, federally mandated paid leave for workers and large subsidies for child care costs.โ€
More than 28 million Americans have contracted COVID-19 and over 510,000 already have died.

This is a historic rescue package. It provides benefits and programs Americaโ€™s families need:

  • Funding to shore up multiemployer pension plans, protecting earned retirement benefits for millions of hard-working Americans.
  • Overdue support for states, cities and towns so we can preserve critical public services.
  • More money for COVID-19 testing, treatment and protective supplies.
  • An 85 percent COBRA subsidy for unemployed workers who lost health care.
  • Renter and homeowner assistance.
  • School funding for safe reopenings or remote learning.
  • Paid sick and family and medical leave for more than 14 weeks.
  • An increase in the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour.

Call you Senators by clicking on button above, or, visit the BCTGM Action Center to send an email to your Senators telling them to pass the American Rescue Plan and save your pension!