16 Dec BCTGM Members Rally for Georgia Senate Candidates ahead of Jan. 5 Runoff Election
The Atlanta-North Georgia Labor Council hosted a “Let’s Get Out the Vote” rally for U.S. Senate candidates Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock outside the Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 613 headquarters in downtown Atlanta on Friday.
“Workers are the folk who make America great,” You are the job creators. We’ve got to defend a livable wage. It is wrong to call people essential workers and not provide them with essential wages and essential benefits.”
– Rev. Raphael Warnock

BCTGM members from Local 42, together with International staff, community leaders and other Georgia trade unionists, attended the event to rally labor support for the two new pro-worker Senate candidates in the January 5 runoff election. Early voting began in Georgia on December 14.
More photos from the event, taken by Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 600 member Tom Griscom, can be found on the Atlanta-North Georgia Labor Council’s Facebook page.
*Pictured in the top image is BCTGM International Organizer/Business Agent Darrell Copeland (left) with U.S. Senate candidate John Ossoff at the rally outside the IBEW hall in Atlanta.