BCTGM | The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union | Enjoy a BCTGM Union-Made Labor Day and Celebrate American Workers
Enjoy a BCTGM Union-Made Labor Day and Celebrate American Workers
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
bctgm, bakers union, tobacco union, candy union, food workers, food workers union, grain millers, grain millers union, mondelez, nabisco, snack union,
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Enjoy a BCTGM Union-Made Labor Day and Celebrate American Workers

Labor Day is the unofficial end of the summer holiday season. While the day honors the hardworking men and women who make this nation go and grow, the weekend also gives us a chance for one more big backyard barbecue blowout. Here’s some BCTGM-made goods to get your barbecue off to a great start.

The products listed on these pages are just some of the BCTGM-made products and is not inclusive of every BCTGM Local or union-made product. BCTGM members work for hundreds of North America’s best food companies producing thousands of quality goods, too numerous to list. As always, look for the BCTGM Union Label!

Baked Beans

Burnham and Morrill (B&M), Portland, Maine (Local 334)


Soda Pop—Canada Dry, 7-UP, A&W Root Beer, Orange Crush, and RC Cola, Denver, Colo. (Local 26)



Frito-Lay, Inc., Rold Gold Pretzels, Canton, Ohio (Local 19)

UTZ Pretzels/The Bachman Company, Reading, Pa. (Local 6)

Frito-Lay, Topeka, Kan. (Local 218) & Vancouver, Wash. (Local 364)

Pirate Booty, Keystone Foods Products, Inc., Easton, Pa. (Local 6)

Mike-Sell’s Potato Chip Co., Dayton, Ohio (Local 57)

Happy’s Potato Chips/Old Dutch Foods, St. Paul, Minn. (Local 22)

Bugles, General Mills, West Chicago, Ill. (Local 316G)

Sweet Goods

Safeway Bakery: Local 114 (Portland, Ore.), Local 118 (Washington, D.C.), Local 68 (Baltimore, Md.)

Hostess Brands, LLC, Ding Dongs, Twinkies, SnoBalls  – (Only Hostess Brands sweet cake products from Indianapolis (Local 1) and Columbus, Ga. (Local 42) bakeries.)

Bread & Rolls

Bimbo Bakeries U.S.A.: Bimbo, SB Thomas, Sara Lee, Nature’s Harvest, Earthgrains, Freihofer, Colonial, Metz, Arnold, Brownberry, Oroweat, Entenmann’s, Ball Park, Marinela, Maier’s, Beefsteak, D’Italiano, J.J. Nissen, Boboli, Mrs. Baird’s, Heiner’s, Tia Rosa (tortillas), Stroehmann

Grilling Favorites

While not BCTGM-made, these products are made by hardworking members of other AFL-CIO affiliated unions. 

Ball Park franks
Butterball turkey tenderloins, drumsticks, burgers and franks
Dearborn Brand
Empire Kosher chicken and turkey
Farmer John
Foster Farms poultry
Hormel beef, pork and chicken franks
Omaha Steaks

Union-Made Brews

Here’s a brief list of beers and ales made by members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), the International Brother of Teamsters (IBT), the United Autoworkers (UAW), the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), and IUE-CWA.


Budweiser/Bud Light
Mad River
Rolling Rock
Alexander Keiths
Blue Moon
Coors/Coors Light
Genesee Cream Ale
Iron City
Labatt’s Blue
Shock Top
Red Stripe

Or if you prefer union-made ROOT beer, chose Barq’s, Blumers or Old Philadelphia. For non-alcoholic beer give Sharp’s a try!