27 Jul Worker Champion Sen. Elizabeth Warren Meets Nabisco Worker Smith
Today at the Democratic National Convention, BCTGM Local 300 member and laid off Nabisco worker Michael Smith was invited to address the DNC Labor Council on Organizing. In addition to Smith, the Council heard from Alicia Hamiel, a representative of the Fight For Fifteen movement; Ernesto Salazar, a car wash worker, and numerous political leaders united in the call for higher wages and workers’ rights.U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren delivered powerful remarks to the gathering as she reminded everyone: “you build a strong economy by building strong unions!”
Following the meeting, Smith spent several minutes discussing the BCTGM’s boycott of Made-in-Mexico Nabisco products and gave her a Check the Label flier. Warren pledged to help Smith and Nabisco workers spread the news of the boycott and do everything she could as a U.S. Senator to stop the exporting of American jobs.