30 Apr CLUW Offers Union Summer School Scholarships to Members
Every summer, the United Association of Labor Education (UALE) sponsors four regional “women’s schools.” These residential programs typically last between 4-5 days and include classes and workshops on a variety of union-related topics. Women from all over thecountry and beyond learn the skills and knowledge needed to play leadership roles in their unions. One of the most valuable aspects of the schools is the chance to meet and network with union women from around the region and beyond. This summer is the 38th year that these schools are being offered.
The Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW)is offering one $500.00 scholarship to each of the schools to help defray the costs of a participant to attend. Applicants must be a CLUW member or become a member by the time the application is submitted. Please click here for the application in a “WORD” version or click here for the PDF version. Applications must be submitted by Friday, May 15, 2015 to scholarship@cluw.net or by fax to 717.564.7491.
Learn more information on the schools and how to apply for the CLUW scholarships.