Safeway: The Quintessential Community Bakery
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
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Safeway: The Quintessential Community Bakery

BCTGM represented bakers can be found in Safeway bakeries from coast to coast. From intricately decorated cakes for every special occasion, to delectable fruit pies and gourmet cookies, the union bakers take pride in the products they provide.

Featuredย here are the dedicated and proud bakers of Local 85 (Sacramento, Calif.) in Safeway bakeries in Fairfield and Sacramento, California.

Debra Colvin decorates a special order cake at the Fairfield bakeryKristopher Brady (left) and Kent Costa (right) move bread into the proof box.

Kristopher Brady (left) and Kent Costa (right) move bread into the proof box.

Nancy Ledesma (left) and Debra Colvin (right) prepare cakes for the pastry case at the Fairfield bakeryHongxay Nhin prepares baguettes for the oven at the Sacramento bakery.

Hongxay Nhin prepares baguettes for the oven at the Sacramento bakery.