Tell your Representative: Vote NO on the Ryan Budget
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Tell your Representative: Vote NO on the Ryan Budget

Earlier this week, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) โ€” Chairman of the House Budget Committee โ€” unveiled the GOP budget plan and simply put, itโ€™s a disaster for working families and a boondoggle for insurance companies and the wealthiest one percent.

Ryanโ€™s budget would end Medicare as we know it, eliminate the Affordable Care Act, drastically reduce Medicaid payments to states and increase tax breaks and handouts for wealthiest ONE PERCENT of America. The Ryan budget threatens the middle class and guts the social safety net, leaving the most vulnerable among us in desperate straights. The House economic plan draws on the same wrong-headed theory that led to the worst recession of our lifetimes and contributed to the erosion of the middle-class security over the last decade.

CLICK HERE to send a message to your U.S. House Representative, telling them to VOTE NO on the Ryan Budget!