IAFF Local 11 Warns Ingredion of Public Safety Catastrophe with Use of SCAB Labor
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
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IAFF Local 11 Warns Ingredion of Public Safety Catastrophe with Use of SCAB Labor

Local 11 of the International Association of Fire Fighters based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa released a statement supporting BCTGM Local 100G members on strike at Ingredion and warning of a public safety emergency should the company continue to operate using unskilled (SCAB) labor:

โ€œWe are urging Ingredion to bargain a fair and equitable contract for all of the BCTGM members employed in Cedar Rapids. As public safety professionals, the IAFF knows well the dangers that exist at this facility and the complexity of safely handling com starch, dust, and the use of chemicals such as Ethylene Oxide.
The members of BCTGM Local 1 00G are well trained and have decades of experience running this highly complex process. They work diligently every day to operate this facility safely. Their lives and the safety of our community depend on it.
The longer Ingredion uses untrained and inexperienced operators to run this facility, the more exposure our community faces to a potential public safety catastrophe.
Ingredion, it is time to bargain an end to this strike, offer a fair and equitable contract that immediately returns all of the highly trained, dedicated and experienced members of BCTGM 100G to work.โ€

Read the full IAFF Local 11 statement here