BCTGM Thanks President Biden for Strong Statement Condemning Kellogg’s
Representing manufacturing, production, maintenance and sanitation workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco and grain milling industries.
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BCTGM Thanks President Biden for Strong Statement Condemning Kellogg’s

BCTGM International President Anthony Shelton’s response to President Joe Biden’s statement in support of 1,400 BCTGM members on strike against the Kellogg Company in Battle Creek, Mich. (Local 3G), Omaha, Neb. (Local 50G), Lancaster, Pa. (Local 374G) and Memphis, Tenn. (Local 252G):

The BCTGM is profoundly grateful to the President of the United States for his support for working people and their right to engage in meaningful collective bargaining.

We whole-heartedly agree with President Biden that Kellogg’s threats to permanently replace striking workers “is an existential attack on the union” and is a direct attack on workplace democracy and worker rights.

The President’s condemnation of Kellogg’s actions reinforces the position our Kellogg members have taken; they will not be bullied at the negotiating table and are ready to bargain a fair and just contract that rewards them for their hard work and does not sell out future generations of Kellogg employees.

President Biden’s statement sends a clear message to employers across the country that the White House supports union members and their right to fair collective bargaining.