The Biography of Christina Duval

Tina is a 30 year old single mother of four children: Sybil 13, Brice 11, Caitlin 7, and Mackenzie, 6. She works hard to raise her children with good manners, morals and strong beliefs.  Caitlin is an equestrian and has won, "Best-in-Show" and other placements in horse shows. Her son Brice is in the Royal Rangers, a field that will broaden his horizons, according to Tina. Her other two children, Sybil and Mackenzie, are currently "Missionetts" and are training to be Missionaries while doing great work in the community.



Christina Duval and her children at their home

When Tina was hired at Weston's Interbake Foods in late 2006 she was considered a "model employee."  She was a good hard worker with a clean work record and outstanding attendance. Management recognized Tina's abilities and depended on her to write all the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for line one Machining.  Tina recognized the benefits and opportunities at Weston's Interbake Foods but, also realized the importance of having a union contract with a grievance procedure and good representation. 

During the 2006-2007 union organizing campaign, Tina took an active role by getting her co-workers to sign cards and giving them the straight facts about joining BCTGM Local 68. During this campaign, management interfered with her protected union activities. In fact, management suspended Tina and the BCTGM had evidence to prove it was for union activities. As a result, the BCTGM filed unfair labor practice (ULP) charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on her behalf. Weston and the BCTGM settled all ULP charges and Tina's work record was expunged and she was awarded full back pay. Tina is very grateful to the BCTGM for defending her during this campaign.

In the winter of 2007, the Weston-Interbake workers started a new organizing campaign with BCTGM Local 68.  Tina was one of the first workers to help get the ball rolling.  Tina signed a union card and started assisting her fellow workers.  However, what came next was harassment by management because of their union activities. 

This year Tina has more knowledge about her rights as an American worker to join a union.  But this didn't stop management and their highly paid union busters.  Tina paid the ultimate price for exercising her Federal Rights, when Westson's-Interbake management fired her.  Once again, Tina waits for justice to prevail for her and her children, as she once again participates in the Federal National Labor Relations Board investigation into her termination and an additional 35 Unfair Labor Practice charges.

Tina's termination by Weston's-Interbake management has had immediate financial ramifications. After she was fired, her car broke down and she had no funds to get it fixed.  Since then, Tina and her children have lost their home.  Tina was eventually hospitalized.

Tina continues to feel the everyday pressures of a single mom who is struggling to keep her family together without a job, car or house. Tina is once again thankful for BCTGM representatives fighting for justice and her job back. 

"This company (Weston-Interbake) has no regard for its hard-working employees.  All they care about is the bottom line and making sure that their employees have no voice in the workplace," notes Tina.


Copyright © 2007 BCTGM | The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union