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Support the United Way

July 24, 2007

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Members of the American trade union movement have always believed that a union member is first and foremost a member of the community. And as such we have always done our best to help all residents of our communities.

The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers has been at the forefront of providing assistance whenever and wherever needed. Whether it is in the form of monetary donations or volunteer service, we have helped to carry on the tradition of a “caring” labor movement.

One of the most effective ways of delivering health and human care services is by continuing to support the United Way. The United Way, together with labor, provides the best in traditional service with cutting edge solutions to the root causes of many of our nation's social service problems.

In other communities across America, vital services for working families are funded by United Way. The annual United Way campaign helps fund services for the disabled, the homeless, the poor, elderly and high-risk youth.

In communities where the United Way maintains an AFL-CIO Community Services liaison or funds a labor agency, union members are the backbone of the United Way campaign, giving their money and their time as volunteers.

I urge all of our members to support the 2007 campaign of the United Way. In doing so, we will carry on Labor's fine tradition of helping people in need and building stronger communities.

Thank you for your support.


Sincerely and fraternally,

Frank Hurt
International President