38th Constitutional Convention of the The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union July 28 - August 3, 2010


Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five | Daily Newsletters | President Hurt's Keynote Address | Committees | Speakers | Home



Closing Remarks of Executive Officers

In his closing remarks, Executive Vice President Joe Thibodeau urged the delegates to bring what they learned during the convention back to their local unions.

“I am honored and humbled by the trust you have placed in me. I look forward to working with President Hurt and Secretary Treasurer Durkee as we strive to represent your best interests. I say a heartfelt thank you for the opportunity to serve the membership of the BCTGM. God bless you and God bless the BCTGM,” concluded Thibodeau.

Secretary-Treasurer David B. Durkee bid farewell to the delegation by saying, “I want to tell you that we don’t do what we do for the good times….but we do it for the bad times. The fight rises up in us and no matter what, this is when we get excited and we will let no one take advantage of you. God speed my friends, safe travels home.”

International President Frank Hurt adjourned the Convention by thanking all delegates, Executive Officers, Vice Presidents and International staff. “I know that you will all go home better prepared to give the information you learned here back to your membership. Thank you for entrusting us as your leaders. We pledge to do our very best,” Hurt concluded.




Click here to download the full Convention Reporter for Day 5 (PDF)

Click here to download the Post-Convention Issue of the BCTGM NEWS

**All photography is available to view and purchase online through Hank deLespinasse Studios, the official photographer of the 2010 Convention.  The photo site is: www.bctgm2010conv.com.



DAY FIVE of the Convention focused on Health and Safety...

Introducing the day’s theme, Safe and Healthy Workplaces, Hurt said, “Everyone in this room knows that the safety and well being of our membership is paramount. It is why, throughout history, the labor movement has fought so hard to ensure that workplaces in Canada and the United States are safe for workers.”

He noted that the necessity of safe workplaces was part of the drive for the eight-hour work day and a primary reason that child labor was outlawed. Additionally, labor unions throughout North America have continued to fight for legislation and regulations to protect working people, Hurt explained.

Rep. Titus Addresses the Convention

U.S. Representative Dina Titus (D-Nevada) began her address by telling delegates that it is an exciting time to be in Congress, calling her job “fast and furious.” The Congresswoman noted, “I would not be here if not for organized labor. So thank you for the good work you do,” she said.

She informed delegates that in May she toured the Hostess bakery in Henderson, Nevada with BCTGM International Representative Marco Mendoza and Local 37 President Danny Polanco. “I learned all there is to know when it comes to the production of bread. I saw the machines, the ovens and most importantly, I met the people who make the bread. I will never look at a slice of bread the same,” said Titus.

She noted the importance of labor law reform and told delegates that she is a proud co-sponsor of the Employee Free Choice Act.

Titus informed delegates that there are several important worker safety bills that are being considered by Congress. Specifically, Titus noted the July 30th passage of legislation to extend whistleblower protections to workers engaged in oil and gas exploration, drilling, production, or cleanup on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).

Titus concluded her address to delegates with the famous quote by Mother Jones, “Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living!”


Copyright©2009 BCTGM | The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union