38th Constitutional Convention of the The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union July 28 - August 3, 2010


Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five | Daily Newsletters | President Hurt's Keynote Address | Committees | Speakers | Home



Delegates Elect International Vice Presidents

Delegates to the Convention unanimously elected the following BCTGM International Vice Presidents:

Region 1: Art Montminy
Region 2: Bob Oakley
Region 3: Steve Bertelli
Region 4: Tony Johnson

Region 5: Sean Kelly
Region 6: Randy Roark
Grain Milling Sector: Mike Konesko


Delegates Elect General Executive Board

The following General Executive Board members were unanimously elected by Convention Delegates:

Region 1
Joyce Alston, Local 53
Tom Bingler, Local 36G

Region 2
Paul LaBuda, Local 19
Vester Newsome, Local 57

Region 3
Edward Burpo, Local 300
Bradford Schmidt, Local 218

Region 4
Johnny Jackson, Local 42
Richard Lewis, Local 111

Region 5
Ron Piercey, Local 264
Danny Murphy, Local 406

Region 6
Donna Scarano, Local 125
Doyle Townson, Local 31

Tobacco Sector
Butch Henley, 203T
Barry Jenkins, 317T



Officers and Board Members Swear In

At the close of elections, temporary Chair and retired Secretary Treasurer Rene Rondou swore in elected Officers and General Executive Board Members.
























Click here to download the full Convention Reporter for Day 3 (PDF)

Click here to download the Post-Convention Issue of the BCTGM NEWS

**All photography is available to view and purchase online through Hank deLespinasse Studios, the official photographer of the 2010 Convention.  The photo site is: www.bctgm2010conv.com.


DAY THREE of the convention focused on Leadership...

Reflecting on the day’s theme in his remarks, President Hurt said, “In keeping with the theme of the day, we celebrate each of you. As elected representatives of your respected locals at this convention, you are in fact, all leaders of this great union. With leadership comes responsibility. We all have a responsibility to do the best possible job we can do to ensure that this union prospers over the next four years,” said Hurt.


International President Frank Hurt Re-Elected Unanimously

Local 57 (Columbus, Ohio) Financial Secretary/Business Agent Vester Newsome nominated Frank Hurt for President.

“Frank Hurt has led this union with extraordinary effectiveness during the most challenging times ever experienced by the American labor movement. Over the last four years, the BCTGM withstood the fiercest economic and political storms in our history.

“Our union stands strong today in large measure because of the firm, principled and inspired leadership of Frank Hurt. With Frank Hurt’s leadership for the next four years, we are assured that this organization will successfully seize every opportunity and meet every challenge that comes before us in order to improve the quality of life and standard of living of the membership.

“It is with great pride and deep humility that I place in nomination the name of my friend and my Local 57 Brother, Frank Hurt, for President of the BCTGM,” proclaimed Newsome.

Delegates unanimously elected Hurt as International President, and gave him a standing ovation.

In accepting the office of International President Hurt said, “I want to thank you for electing me as your president once again. I love being president of this International because I get to work with so many wonderful people. We all get up every morning and go to work. And I can say with all my heart, that I always try to do what is in the best interest of this membership. Please know that everything we do, we do to best serve you,” said Hurt.

“I want you to know that we take our jobs very seriously and I will do everything I can to be your best possible president. I will always work my hardest for you and this union,” he added.


Delegates Re-Elect Dave Durkee

Local 53 (New York, N.Y.) Secretary-Treasurer Joyce Alston nominated David B. Durkee for the office International Secretary-Treasurer of the BCTGM International Union.

“David has won the respect and trust of others because of his loyalty and dedication to the union leadership and to the mission of the International Union.  He is a friend of every working man and woman in the BCTGM International Union.  You can be assured of his commitment to serve all the members of every local union,” said Alston.

Delegates unanimously elected Durkee as International Secretary-Treasurer of the BCTGM International Union and gave him a standing ovation.

In accepting the office, Durkee pledged to always work for “the best interests of this membership.”

“I would like to thank our President Frank Hurt. I truly appreciate working with such a wonderful man,” said Durkee.

He also thanked Executive Vice President Joe Thibodeau for his friendship and dedication to the BCTGM.  “I’d also like to thank every single member of this union for all the work you do,” said Durkee.

“I intend to continue to keep working longer and harder for you and this incredible Union,” Durkee pledged.


Delegates Re-Elect Joe Thibodeau

Local 102 (New York) President Ray Aquilino nominated Joe Thibodeau for the office of International Executive Vice President. Referring to Thibodeau as his mentor, Aquilino said Thibodeau symbolizes what the trade movement should be. “He is a man who taught me what it takes to be a good leader. Hard work and a willingness to fight the fight no matter what,” Aquilino said.

Delegates unanimously elected Thibodeau as International Executive Vice President of the BCTGM International Union. Delegates gave him a standing ovation.

In accepting the office, Thibodeau said, “Thank you for re-electing me to another four years as your Executive Vice President. Thank you for allowing me to continue to do the work I believe in and the work that I love.

“I believe that union organizing, that keeping the union strong by member participation, is as vital to the workers’ well-being now as it was when I worked on my first organizing campaign,” reflected Thibodeau.

“It is for the younger generation, like my grandchildren, that we need to remain strong so that they have the same opportunities. Thank you for continuing the good work of this union,” concluded Thibodeau.


Copyright©2009 BCTGM | The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union