38th Constitutional Convention of the The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union July 28 - August 3, 2010


Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five | Daily Newsletters | President Hurt's Keynote Address | Committees | Speakers | Home



Hurt Delivers Keynote Address

In an inspiring opening speech that received a standing ovation, President Hurt reflected on the significance of the 2010 Constitutional Convention and the union’s continued success.

“When we held our Convention in this very room four years ago, the future for working people and the labor movement was ominous. We were confronting the sixth year of a relentless assault by arrogant anti-worker bureaucrats, who used their power to harass and weaken unions – and to maximize the influence and profits of corporations, and to shift the wealth of this country even further from the middle class, to the privileged class.

“This year, we come together in an environment that stands in stark contrast to those dark days. Today – in spite of opposition from the minority party, our national political leaders are utilizing the power of government to advance the common good, and improve the quality of life for all of our citizens,” he told delegates.

Click here to read President Hurt's speech in it's entirety



President Obama Sends Greetings

President of the United States Barack Obama sent a special letter to BCTGM International President Frank Hurt and delegates to the Convention.

“The BCTGM’s commitment to improving the lives of working people and willingness to take on tough fights on behalf of a larger cause are well served by your leadership. Even though our country faces great challenges, you and your members meet at a time of hope and opportunity. we share a common goal of strenthening our Nation on behalf of working Americans, and the belief that ordinary people working together can do extraordinary things.

“I commend you and the members of the BCTGM for the work you do every day, and I wish you the best of luck moving forward,” concluded President Obama.




Click here to download the full Convention Reporter for Day 1 (PDF)

Click here to download the Post-Convention Issue of the BCTGM NEWS

**All photography is available to view and purchase online through Hank deLespinasse Studios, the official photographer of the 2010 Convention.  The photo site is: www.bctgm2010conv.com.




DAY ONE of the Convention focused on Political Action...

The 38th Constitutional Convention of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union was called to order on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 by Local 31 (Long Beach, Calif.) Financial Secretary Doyle Townson. Serving as the Convention’s temporary chairman, Townson extended a warm welcome to delegates on behalf of the members of the BCTGM’s Western Conference, of which he serves as president.

The Convention opened with a special music video tribute to BCTGM members and the jobs they do. Singer Janine Valentine performed the U.S. and Canadian national anthems and BCTGM International Representative James Rivers delivered an inspirational invocation.

Townson then turned the Chairmanship of the Convention over to BCTGM International President Frank Hurt with the presentation of a commemorative gavel.


Richard Trumka Speaks to the Convention

Focusing in on the day’s theme, Uniting to Win Legislative and Political Change, Trumka detailed labor’s efforts and battles in the political arena.

“Two years ago, working Americans had the courage to elect a president whose very victory gave new life to our nation’s pledge to be ‘one nation, with liberty and justice for all.’ And over the last 18 months, President Obama has continued to make history.”

Trumka noted that such history includes fulfilling the six decade long struggle for health care coverage for all Americans; the most sweeping reforms of Wall Street since the Great Depression; extended unemployment compensation; and the enactment of a vital economic recovery plan.

“Not since Franklin D. Roosevelt told a trembling nation that we had nothing to fear but fear itself has a President taken office in such terrible times. Herbert Hoover left President Roosevelt the Great Depression. And George Bush left President Obama – and all Americans—the worst economy since those terrifying days,” Trumka said.

Download the Convention Reporter for Day 1 for more on Trumka's remarks


Danny Thompson Speaks

Danny Thompson, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Nevada AFL-CIO, addressed the convention and reminded delegates of the importance of supporting worker-friendly political candidates. “Stand up for what you believe. Stand up for politicians who will stand up for you,” said Thompson.


Copyright©2009 BCTGM | The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union